Latest in the F Collection: Lady Sings it Better

February 29, 2012 § Leave a comment

Maeve and Anna of Lady Sings it Better

F Collection: Feminist vignettes to inspire and ignite.

F collective is all about (re)creating and showcasing a movement that is alive and kicking patriarchy in the arse.

You can expect a new post from the F Collection every Monday.”

My latest at the F Collection is a post on the brilliant broads of Lady Sings it Better. It features an interview with founder and artistic director, Maeve Marsden.

An excerpt:

Who are Lady Sings it Better? They are a five woman, feminist, queer, singing cabaret act, performing songs usually done by men. Their performances are in turn beautiful, searing and hilarious.

You can buy tickets here.

Maeve Marsden, artistic director and founder of Lady Sings it Better, started Lady because she wanted a new way to sing about women:

“I  wanted to create a show which celebrated relationships between women.  At first, I was focused on romantic relationships, as a queer woman, so saw reclaiming songs written by men as a great avenue to sing passionately about other women. Beyond that, Lady is also about examining the male gaze through popular music; we love finding songs that are really misogynistic or sexist and turning them upside down!”

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